The third day will start with the only part of this adventure I'm not looking forward to. I love riding a bike but I hate doing it in crowded city conditions. After I leave the Ko'Olina Resort on my bike I'll get right onto the Farrington Hwy. It's a busy road with lots of stoplights, driveways and busy commercial centers. More accidents occur here than anywhere else on Oahu. I'm going to take it easy through here. Things ease up after Makaha where I can really start racing for a few miles before having to get off my bike and run for about six miles around Kaena Point. I love this part of Oahu; dramatic and undeveloped. Its going to be hot and dry too. I'll keep running till the car drives around the long way and brings me my bike, where I will continue riding through one of my favorite places in the world - the North Shore.
The surf in early September is rarely good here and that's a good thing because I'd for sure want to stop and surf if it were and that would drive my coach into a spitting fit of unprintable expletives. No fooling around here especially on the bike, right coach?
I'll finish up somewhere between Turtle Bay and Malaekahana Beach Park.
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