Monday, August 30, 2010

Kauai to Niihau Swim

On Sunday August 29, Bill Goding, Quinn Carver, Brian Denaro and Jen Schumacher swam from the Barking Sands Military Base on the west side of Kauai to Niihau in 9 hrs. and 56 minutes. Their swim covered a little over 19 miles and in the process they swam past sharks, through jelly fish and over some really rough seas. They stayed together and all finished with the same time.

That is the short version. There are some exciting stories to tell about the swim and how each of the four swimmers dealt with the challenges, much more about the sharks and  the guy with a gun who met Quinn when he came too far up the shore and how we set the whole security force of the Barking Sands Military Base in motion upon our very dramatic return.
Check back for more in the coming week. I took lots of video!
Jen pasted her story already

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